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EZ-Shopping Cart and Order Buttons

With the shopping cart, your customers can look through the pages you have built and pick and choose the items they want to add to their online shopping cart. Once they've finished shopping, they can proceed straight to the order form. The items they've selected are automatically added to the order form, ready for purchase.
The shopping cart of EZ-NetTools® is amazingly simple and can be integrated throughout a website created with our suite of Hostware®. With our unique web-based administration, EZ-Shopping Cart can be implemented in two ways.
EZ-PageBuilder Web Page
First, the shopping cart can be easily added to any web page created with EZ-PageBuilder. Simply add the Shopping Cart block within the page.
This method is ideal for websites with fewer items or for items that required a substantial amount of description before a purchasing decision can be made.
Additionally, the shopping cart can be added on as many pages as the product is displayed. This allows the flexibility to promote a product throughout the website. The product can be featured in several areas throughout the website which make cross promotion a snap!
Second, when EZ-Catalog is used to display numerous items, the use of the shopping cart is extremely simple. Within the catalog configuration, the shopping cart is easily implemented by clicking the option on.
When the option is enabled, it will instantly appear on each respective item throughout the entire catalog of items.
EZ-Shopping Cart is integrated with a variety of other programs included in the e-commerce suite. It’s integration leads to ease of use which is a fresh approach to shopping carts and e-commerce.
Example of shopping cart items below:
Custom - create the look you want!
Register a Domain Name for 2 years: EZ Website Builders will register your Domain Name for 2 years and get it connected to your website.
Stock #442 and Cost is $150
System Generated from EZ-Catalog
Alternatively, you can use order buttons to link to the order form, which lists all the items that you have entered into your catalog. When people go to this page, they can select the items they wish to purchase from the list of your entire inventory. We have over 50 stock order buttons to choose from or you can upload your own.