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3-Way Encryption Transaction A secured order retrieval process that is unique to e-commerce website solutions. A secure Internet transaction processes critical information on a secured order which is encrypted at 3 separate times during the retrieval process.
Banners Banner advertisement gives you unlimited advertising and affordable advertising through which you can advertise your website. Banner exchange programs give you unlimited advertising and affordable advertising to which you pay no money but agree to place a banner on your website.
Browser Software This software interprets web site builders Internet programming (HTML) and presents the website builders web page. Browsers are used to "Surf" the Internet. Examples are: Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator.
Commercial Website An e-commerce website with a global presence for your business to securely do business over the Internet. Also referred to as: E-commerce websites, Electronic store front or Virtual store.
Domain Name A portion of the URL which is a unique name that identifies an Internet address. Internet address are numbers like: 123.456.789.00 which are easily read by computers. Domain Names make it easier for humans to read. For example: EzWebsiteBuilders.com is a Domain Name.
E-Commerce E-commerce website solutions have the ability to perform secure Internet transactions over the World Wide Web.
Home Page The website builders central web page that all other pages connect to. This is the start of a website creation.
Hosting A server on the Internet that is a reservoir of information available to other computers. When you access information on the Internet, you connect to a host computer. Hosting is the service of providing a host computer for lease.
HTML code What is Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)? It is a website builders computer language used for web pages on the Internet. It creates electronic documents which can be read and understood on different kinds of computers.
Hostware A computer program or group of programs for use over the Internet. These program(s) reside on a specific host computer to be used over the Internet by another computer. Unlike software, hostware is programmed directly onto the host. Installing the program(s) from a CD or disk is unnecessary.
Hypertext Words, titles, or phrases in a web page which are linked to another document. Hypertext is typically blue and underlined.
(ISP) Internet Service Provider An institution that provides access to the Internet. National providers in the US include: America On-Line, Compuserve, Juno, EarthLink and Prodigy.
(IPP) Internet presence Provider An institution that provides hosting or hostware services. Example: EZ Website Builders and EZ-Net Tools.
E-commerce Merchant Account An E-commerce merchant account is a special bank account which gives business the ability to take credit cards over the Internet.
Reciprocal Link The practice of trading links with the website builder of another website. You place a link to their web page while they return the favor by placing a link to your website. Example: EZ-Net Tools, using EZ Link Trader does this for you.
Search Engine An enormous compilation of web pages indexed and prepared for people searching for information on the World Wide Web. Web searchers can access this information from the search engine web site. Common search engines include: Google, MSN, Alta Vista, Excite, Go, and Yahoo! EZ-Net Tools, uses EZ-Submit, to submit to these and many more top search engines.
Secure Server A server computer or software that codes information for secure Internet transactions of critical information over the Internet. ONLY secure servers should be used to transmit credit card information over the Internet.
(SSL) Secure Socket Layer This high-level security technology is commonly used over the Internet to transfer confidential information. This technology is the most secured to date.
(URL) Uniform Resource Locator The standard way to address any resource in the Internet. Example: http://www.ezwebsitebuilders.com
Web Page A single document that a website builder uses to contain information to be retrieved and viewed over the Internet.
Website A website creation made by a website builder with an interlinked group of web pages.